Halo, I am

Jalu Wibowo.

I'm passionate about web development. While I'm skilled in fullstack development, my true specialization lies in frontend development.

I thrive on crafting intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. With an extensive toolbox of frameworks and programming languages, I bring creative and functional solutions to life.

My approach to work is characterized by meticulous attention to detail. I believe that the small things make a big difference, and I ensure that every aspect of my projects meets the highest standards.

Let's collaborate and create exceptional web experiences together.



Javascript Typescript Ruby

Frameworks & Libraries

Vue.js Nuxt React Next Remix Astro jQuery React Native Expo Express.js Ruby on Rails

Markup Languages



CSS Sass Tailwind Bootstrap

State Managements

Pinia Redux Vuex

Databases & Caches

Postgresql MongoDB Redis Firebase

API Developments

RESTful GraphQL

Server & Deployments

AWS Railway Firebase Vercel Heroku

Testings & Lintings

Jest ESLint Prettier

Package Managers

npm pnpm yarn rubygems

Development Tools

Git Github Gitlab VSCode Jira Figma


You can find me on these platforms,

Or reach me using form below,